Exploring the Avian Spectacles: Top 7 Unmissable Bird Watching Havens in France

Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of bird watching in France and let yourself be guided through 7 exceptional sites not to be missed. From the majestic Camargue to the sumptuous cliffs of Normandy, set off to meet our avifauna and be amazed by the diversity of species that inhabit our regions. Prepare yourself for an unforgettable ornithological journey in the heart of French nature!

Somme Bay and Marquenterre Park

Get ready for a breathtaking experience in Picardy! There Bay of Somme, located around Crotoy and Saint-Valéry, is a true haven of peace for terns, gulls and wading birds. These birds find a rich and diverse pantry there. Not far from there, the Parc du Marquenterre is waiting for you with its numerous observation posts. With more than 300 species of migratory birds, every walk is a new adventure!

To know more :www.parcdumarquenterre.fr

Sept-Îles Reserve in Brittany

Meet in Côtes-d’Armor, on an archipelago of seven islands including the famous Monks Island. The Sept-Îles reserve is the largest on the French coast, home to 181 species of birds. With gannets and a colony of gray seals, this reserve is an ornithological paradise accessible by boat from Perros-Guirec, often in the company of a guide from the League for the Protection of Birds (LPO).

To know more :www.lpo.fr

The Camargue and the Pont de Gau Ornithological Park

Welcome to Camargue, where you will find the Pont de Gau Ornithological Park, a true sanctuary for local fauna and flora. Located 4 kilometers from Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer, this 60 hectare park invites you to explore 7 kilometers of trails where you can observe herons, birds of prey, passerines, and of course, the famous pink flamingos emblematic of the region.

To know more :www.parcornithologique.com

Der-Chantecoq Lake in the Grand-Est

With its 4,800 hectares, the Lake Der-Chantecoq is the largest artificial lake in Europe. Each year it attracts 270 species of birds, offering spectacular views of common cranes in autumn and winter. Photographers will love capturing magical moments at sunrise from the strategically located observatories and sea walls.

To know more :www.lacduder.com

La Brenne, a paradise for ornithology enthusiasts

THE Brenne Regional Natural Park is nicknamed the “land of 1001 ponds” for good reason: it has 3,300 of them. These ponds are the refuge of nearly 365 varieties of protected birds. During migration periods, you will be able to observe rare species such as common cranes, ducks and teals, egrets and the majestic white-tailed eagle.

To know more :www.parc-naturel-brenne.fr

Le Teich, Arcachon Bay

On the banks of the Arcachon Basin, the ornithological reserve of Teich is a jewel of biodiversity. Spread over 110 hectares, the 6 kilometers of trails give you access to strategically placed observation huts to observe the 323 species present. From October to March, migratory birds stop over, making this time ideal for visits.

To know more :www.reserve-ornithologique-du-teich.com

Cévennes National Park

The only mid-mountain park in France, the Cévennes National Park was named a World Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO in 1985. It is home to 195 species of birds, including 135 nesting birds. With luck, you may even see the golden eagle flying majestically above the park’s massifs.

To know more :www.cevennes-parcnational.fr