Normandy, with its picturesque landscapes and rich historical heritage, attracts many travelers seeking escape. However, before hitting the road to explore this beautiful region, it is crucial to pay attention to the free-flow tolls recently implemented. This new system, which replaces the traditional toll barriers, requires heightened vigilance, as fines for non-payment can amount to 375 euros. Inform yourself to fully enjoy your stay without unpleasant surprises on the road!
Normandy, with its picturesque landscapes, historic beaches, and tasty gastronomy, attracts thousands of travelers each year seeking escape. However, a major change on the Normandy highways has redefined the way of traveling in this region: the introduction of the free-flow tolling system. Although this promises time savings during your journeys, it is essential to remain vigilant about payment modalities to avoid high fines that can reach 375 euros.
The new face of Normandy highways
Since December 2024, the iconic toll barriers of the A13 have given way to a modern free-flow system between Paris and Caen. The new facilities include gantries equipped with cameras capable of reading license plates and tracking vehicles as they pass. The toll amount is automatically calculated based on the vehicle category and the distance traveled. This transformation affects not only the A13 but also the A14, making this highway system a pioneer in France.
How to avoid hefty fines
Before getting behind the wheel, it is essential to prepare well to avoid inconveniences during your stay. For those with a toll badge, make sure it is correctly placed on the driver’s side of the windshield. This simple check can prevent 90% of detection problems. If you do not have a badge, do not forget to subscribe to notifications on the highway company’s website, which will inform you of your passages under the gantries.
Toll payment: what you need to know
You will have only 72 hours to pay your toll amount after your passage. This deadline begins from the first gantry you pass. If, for example, you leave for the weekend and pass the first gantry on Friday evening, you can pay for your entire journey the following Monday. For those who have a badge, the payment is made automatically by monthly direct debit, saving you any hassle. However, for those without a badge, payment can be made online or at tobacco shops that accept toll payments.
Beware of deadlines and penalties
Don’t let time slip away! After the 72 hours deadline, a penalty of 10 euros will be added to your initial amount. After fifteen days, this amount increases to 90 euros, and if you still do not act within two months following your passage, expect a hefty fine of 375 euros. Facing an automated fine system, it is crucial to keep an eye on these deadline dates to avoid heavy financial consequences.
Implications for rental car drivers
If you plan to rent a vehicle to explore Normandy, extra attention is needed. Many rental agencies have reported an increase in payment requests related to tolls. It is advisable to check the terms of service regarding tolls to avoid unpleasant surprises. The owners of rental vehicles will remain responsible for fines, so it is essential to stay informed about how this new system works.
The benefits of a free-flow toll system
Despite these new rules, the free-flow toll system offers undeniable advantages. Travel times are significantly reduced, especially during peak hours, with a saving estimated at 30 minutes between Paris and Caen. Moreover, the absence of toll barriers reduces slowdowns, contributing to a smoother and more pleasant journey. From an environmental perspective, the reduction in stops allows for a significant savings in fuel, which is a real plus for travelers concerned about their ecological footprint.
International trends in barrier-free tolls
The free-flow toll system is not an innovation exclusive to France. Countries like Portugal, Austria, and Norway have already adopted similar systems with promising results. Indeed, these international models demonstrate a notable improvement in traffic flow and a reduction in travel times. Drawing inspiration from these experiences could be beneficial for future French innovations.