Reimagining Travel: A Guide to the New Digital Identity Verification for Train Trips

Ah, the good old days when you had to carry your ID card everywhere, even to take the train… Well, good news! Now it seems that times have changed. No more rummaging through your wallet looking for your ID to travel by train. How is this possible you ask me? Let me explain this revolutionary new procedure to you in a few captivating and practical lines.

Taking the train becomes easier

Are you about to go on a trip and realize you forgot your ID card at home? Do not panic ! SNCF has introduced a new procedure which allows travelers to present a digitized version of their identity card. No need to rush to retrieve the precious document, a simple digital version can now do the trick.

The France Identity application: your new ally

From now on, during checks, passengers can show a screenshot of their national identity card (CNI) via the official France Idété application. This innovation, authorized temporarily until the introduction of the “SNCF Control” functionality by ANTS (National Agency for Secure Titles), offers considerable relief for all travelers.

What you need to know about registered train tickets

It is important to remember that train tickets are nominative, that is, they are personal and cannot be transferred to anyone else. Therefore, controllers can always ask for an original, valid photo ID document, such as an identity card, passport, driving license or residence card, in addition to your e-ticket. Copies of identity documents (photos, photocopies, scans) are not accepted.

A measure for the safety of flight attendants

This measure also comes in a context of increased security for flight attendants, following worrying incidents. SNCF managers stressed the importance of this measure for the security of their agents, affirming their determination to put an end to violent behavior towards staff.

Sanctions for non-compliance with the rules

It is crucial to respect these new rules to avoid sanctions, which can be expensive. For example, a young traveler was recently fined €245 for identity theft because she had written her own name on a ticket intended for her partner. In addition, a young man was fined €270 for exchanging places with another traveler.

The benefits of digitalization for travelers

This new procedure has several advantages for travelers :

  • Less stress if you forget your ID card.
  • Ease and speed of controls.
  • Increased security through simpler verification.

A digital future for SNCF controls

This authorization for the presentation of the digital identity card is only temporary, but it paves the way for a future where the digitization is gaining importance in our daily lives. SNCF is actively working with ANTS to further improve this process, with the planned introduction of the “SNCF Control” functionality.