Exploring Beyond the 100ml: Unveiling Exceptions to In-Cabin Liquid Rules in French Airports

You thought you knew all the rules at the airport? Think again ! Come and discover the surprising exceptions to the 100 ml rule in the cabin at French airports. Prepare to be amazed and travel with peace of mind!

Tarbes-Lourdes-Pyrénées Airport: an exception to the rule

Imagine yourself strolling through the charming markets of Tarbes, perhaps even with a terrine of pâté or a jar of foie gras under your arm. The dreaded moment arrives: going through airport security. But surprise! At Tarbes-Lourdes-Pyrénées airport, these local delights escape the sacrosanct rule of 100 ml maximum for liquids in the cabin!

This airport, the 20th in terms of attendance in France with nearly 600,000 travelers in 2023, offers a surprising exemption. Terrines, foie gras, French Ham and Vegetable Stew And Tarbes beans packaged in non-opaque glass jars of 1 liter maximum are allowed in the cabin. A great way to support local producers while pleasing gourmet travelers!

Why this exception came about

This initiative from Tarbes-Lourdes-Pyrénées airport was not born on a whim. According to airport management, this measure aims to support local producers and to facilitate the export of their products thanks to travelers. Imagine the joy of bringing home a small part of this region, without fear of seeing it confiscated by the authorities!

The rules for holy water

Sorry to disappoint you, but even if you came back from Lourdes with holy water, the rules remain strict. No more than 100 ml in the cabin, unless you have the excellent idea of ​​placing it in the hold or putting it in the form of a container. Again, it’s a matter of strict baggage security regulations.

Towards a general relaxation?

Although Tarbes-Lourdes-Pyrénées airport has this exemption, other airports could follow suit. Operators can make a specific request for a list of exempt local products, but this remains at the discretion of the airport authorities.

It is also good to know that the legislation on 100ml maximum, born in 2006 following terrorist plots, could evolve thanks to technological advances. 3D scanners, tested in Europe, could allow this rule to be relaxed. Thus, some European airports, such as London-City, already allow passengers to carry up to 2 liters of liquid in the cabin.

Here is a summary list of important points:

  • Terrines, foie gras, garbure and Tarbais beans authorized in 1 liter non-opaque glass jars at Tarbes-Lourdes-Pyrénées airport.
  • Initiative aimed at supporting local producers.
  • Holy water limited to 100 ml in the cabin except in the hold or in the form of a container.
  • Possibility of relaxing the 100 ml rule thanks to new technologies.

So, the next time you pass through Tarbes-Lourdes-Pyrénées airport, don’t hesitate to take some of this delicious French gastronomy with you. And, stay tuned for developments at other airports: soon, perhaps, you will be able to transport your favorite liquids without constraints!